Data Stewardship

Data Stewardship

Data stewardship is the caretaking of university data. All University data users along with formal data stewardship roles contribute to data stewardship. As more formally defined, data stewardship is the accountability and responsibility for the effective control and use of data assets. Formal data stewardship is aligned by data domain with the roles of Data Trustees, Data Stewards, and Deputy Data Stewards.

Designated Data Trustees and Data Stewards by Data Domain are documented in the Domain Data Stewardship Registry (Netbadge required). The Domain Data Stewardship Registry is in-progress and regularly updated through data & analytics governance program delivery. For the current registry, visit Domain Data Stewardship Registry (Netbadge required). Contact [email protected] for additional assistance.

All University Data Users Contribute to Stewardship

Beyond the formal responsibility of Data Trustees, Data Stewards, and Deputy Data Stewards, all University data users (e.g., creators, producers, consumers, caretakers of data systems and processes, data experts) are responsible for good data, data practices, and responsible use.

Data Domains

Data Domains are logical collections of data, including rules and processes related to the data. Data domains are divided into subdomains as needed to best support data stewardship and organization. Each Data Domain (or subdomain) has a Data Trustee, a Data Steward, and as needed, Deputy Data Stewards.

Data Trustees

Data Trustees are senior University officials who have planning and policy-level responsibilities for a Data Domain. They oversee the implementation of data governance related policies for their data domains, affirm the appropriate classification of institutional data (highly sensitive, sensitive, internal use, and public) and appoint Data Stewards for their data domains.

Data trustees provide a broad, university-wide view of data, approve policies, resolve questions of procedure, and ensure that data plans are consistent with and in support of university strategic plans.

Data Stewards

Data Stewards have operational oversight for the life cycle of a specific data domain including the definition, intake, and usage of the data. Data Stewards oversee the development, maintenance, and enforcement of appropriate policies, standards, and procedures for the use of data in their functional areas, including defining criteria for data access authorization and have final sign-off authority for users seeking to access, retrieve, manipulate, or view data for their respective data domains.

Data Stewards are assigned by, and are accountable to, Data Trustees.

Deputy Data Stewards

Deputy Data Stewards are appointed as needed by Data Stewards to complete data stewardship activities, such as authorizing or rejecting access requests based upon approval criteria established by the Data Stewards who appoint them.

Domain Data Stewardship

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